Understanding the complex inner workings of organisms like sorghum and sugarcane is essential for advancements in agriculture, biofuel production, and various other fields. Genomic resources like pan-transcriptomes play a pivotal role in unlocking this knowledge by providing a comprehensive view of gene expression across diverse genotypes.
Sugarcane plays a fundamental role in Brazilian agriculture, particularly in the production of bioenergy through the synthesis and accumulation of sucrose for first-generation ethanol production, as well as the use of its biomass for electricity generation or second-generation ethanol.
Splicing is a fundamental process for pre-mRNA process maturation in most eukaryotes, playing an essential role in both proteome diversification and gene expression regulation. Despite its relevance, little is known about how splicing events are effectively regulated, this knowledge gap is even more pronounced in plants.
Um novo seminário para tratar temas relacionados à genômica e bioinformática aberto a todos os membros do campus Luiz de Queiroz da Universidade de São Paulo, e organizado em conjunto por pesquisadores e docentes das duas unidades do campus Luiz de Queiroz (CENA e ESALQ).
Open platforms for data mining democritize the access to analyses that would only be achieved by scientists with computer science skills. CoNekT is a platform for analysis of expression profiles and co-expression networks that can be used to study one or more conditions or tissues in an organism, and the comparative analysis among different organisms.
Life is organized through networks such as protein-protein interactions, gene-regulatory circuits, and metabolic pathways, in which the parts interact with each other. It is from these interactions that complex phenomena originate.
Given the escalating energy demands and the increasing imperative to transition to sustainable energy sources, Brazil emerges as an important country in the production of bioenergy derived from the degradation of carbohydrates in plant material.
Sugarcane is a widely cultivated plant within Poaceae, which fixates CO2 via C4 photosynthesis. Sugarcane is one of the most important crops around the world, as it is the main source for common sugar, bioenergy and other bioproducts.